Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sorry for the delay....

Sorry for the delay on posting it has just been so busy lately and the weather is getting nicer so its getting harder to post everyday. So my brief summary of the weekend is about all you are going to get as a recap. Here's a photo though of Calen (the 3 yr old I got to play with) and I. Also, another photo of catching the football after Calen threw it.

Last night I had a blast. Spent the evening with dad tearing out the border trim around all of the flower gardens in the backyard. I was daddy's lil helper. I helped him carry the 30' long plastic trim pieces from one side of the yard to the other and when he cut them up with the circular saw I helped carry it then also. They only problem was Dad was pulling one way and I was pulling the other way. He is stronger so he won. After I realized that Dad was too much of a match for me, I decided to latch on with my teeth and claws and go for a free ride. Fun for me, not for dad who ended up having to bathe me again to get all the mud off of my face and belly. It was well worth it.

After doing some Googling today, I found some more obscene photos and this time it was of my Aunt. Check it out.

Well off to watch a replay of "The Hills" premiere from last night. I fell asleep during the first 5 mins..
Peace Out
Ruff Ruff

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