I am a “terrier” breed or better known as “terror” breed and according to my dad I am his little “terror”. Yesterday was an experience that I may never ever get to experience again. I spent the day with my pirate Aunt (she only has one good eye, so she keeps her bad eye shut) and my crazy grandma at their house. My day included 5 walks, 4 hours of playing outside and 20 minutes napping. I would have loved 1 walk, 4 hours of playing and the rest of the time relaxing and napping. I love napping/sleeping but as long as it’s on a blanket, couch, bed, or carpet. My only choice yesterday was ceramic tile. That just isn’t comfortable and for that reason if I couldn’t nap no one else was going to nap and I let them know that. Honestly, I weigh 17 lbs on a good day. I’m only 18 inches long and 8 inches off the ground. I don’t take up that much room, let me sleep somewhere comfortable.
Well, Dad picked me up after work and I was so tired I thought my legs were going to fall off. I didn’t whine or bark in the car, I just sat there and even fell asleep in the car on the way home. Once I got home I got that comfort feeling that you humans get when you’ve been on vacation for awhile and you can’t wait for your own bed to sleep in. That is how I felt. I slept 2 out of 5 hrs once I got home and still went to bed at 9ish last night. It was a fun, exhausting, life changing experience kind of day.
One last thing to say is that I love being I N D E P E N D E N T.
Check out the chorus to my latest song that drops next week.
by Lil White
I N D E P E N D E N T Do You Know What That Mean
I N D E P E N D E N T Do You Know What That Mean
They Got Me My Own Crate
They Got Me My Own Ball
Two Jobs Work Hard U A Bad Breed
If U Aint On Sit Down
If U Aint On Sit Down
If U Aint On Sit Down
If U Aint On Sit Down